Statism (6)

As soon as the state steps outside the sphere this sphere it plays God and offers every form of counterfeiting of the Word of God. In such a case it will invariably persecute the family and church, destroying localism and people's freedom to obey God's law. Such a state will be judged by God and once a sate commands what God forbids, if Christ is truly Lord, then the Christian has the religious duty to resist.Mission of God, 4.3

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Where man's law commands what God forbids, civil disobedience becomes a Christian duty. Christ alone, in his word and by his Spirit, speaks the word of life and salvation, not the state.Mission of God, 4.2

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The state then, according to scripture, was made the ministry of justice. But wherever Christ ceases to be man's savior, there liberty perishes as the state again asserts its messianic claims

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pagan philosophy was essentially statist; substituting God, it saw the state as the incarnation or locus of the divine in history. This had been the view of all the great ancient realms, including the Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman empires, where the rulers were viewed and worshipped as godsMission of God, 4.1

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A new generation now drifts without purpose and vision, with little confidence that they have a future, leaving us vulnerable to a growing religious vision of state power and authority that sees its total regulation and control as the only solution to the collapsing social order.Mission of God, 25

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