Justice (22)

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."

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If hatred of sin is necessary to God, then penal justice is equally necessary because the hatred of sin is the constant will of punishing it.

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While the adulterer feeds on strange flesh, the sword of God's justice hangs over his head. Causinus speaks of a tree growing in Spain, that is of a sweet smell, and pleasant to the taste, but the juice of it is poisonous.Ten Commandments, 157

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If we support those who have become poor through their own immoral behaviour, then we are subsidizing evil. God does not call us to support evil. Satan does, however; such charity expands his kingdom at the expense of God's. We should resist his temptation. There can never be unconditional charity in a world of scarcity. To give charity to one person is to deny it to another. There can be no neutrality. The myth of neutrality undergirds the reality of the modern welfare state: compulsory wealth-redistribution.

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The concern of God's word is with impartial justice and with righteousness. Nowhere does God permit partiality in men's dealings with men based on their economic status; such an attitude is a perversion of justice.

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His book is a good example of what happens when well-meaning evangelicals fail to clearly define justice and righteousness in terms of obedience to the law of God and instead import present cultural fads into their interpretative exercise: they end up with a hybrid abstraction that in the name of being biblical, reads humanistic views of justice onto Christianity.Mission of God 6.5

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In the Bible, the original meaning of the word justice is coextensive with righteousness, so they are interchangeable or related themes that often come together in the same verse (Ps. 33:5; Job 37:23). They are related terms because justice is an aspect of God's righteous character, as are mercy and compassion.Mission of God, 6.3

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The state then, according to scripture, was made the ministry of justice. But wherever Christ ceases to be man's savior, there liberty perishes as the state again asserts its messianic claims

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God's grace is owed to no one, only His justice. Ask for mercy, what you do not deserve, not for justice, what you do deserve.

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If we despise the justice of God, we are not Christians.

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From around the twelfth century, British courts required witnesses to place their hand on the Bible to take the oath, "I swear by Almighty God [to tell] the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." This is because God himself commanded, "You shall not bear false witness." Traditionally, after swearing to tell the truth, witnesses bowed to kiss the Bible.

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No matter how much injustice I have suffered from the hands of other people, I have never suffered the slightest injustice from the hand of God.

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God does not always act with justice. Sometimes he acts with mercy. Mercy is not justice, but it also is not injustice. Injustice violates righteousness. Mercy manifests kindness and grace and does no violence to righteousness. We may see nonjustice in God, which is mercy, but we never see injustice in God.

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The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodly has become a deadly opiate for the consciences of millions.

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Only those laws that had been founded on the eternal principles of justice, had stood the test of time, had been passed on from generation to generation, and had received the approval of the wisest of counsellors should be enacted and enforced by a just king. To make this point clear, Alfred began the domboc with a translation of the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God on Mount SinaiThe White Horse King, 198-199

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For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.

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Justice in the Bible means restitution to a very great degree. Restitution and restoration are the essence of justice. The prison system as an answer to the problem of crime is a modern and anti-biblical scheme: it does nothing to further either restitution or restoration and accomplishes little other than removing the criminal from society temporarily. It does not remedy crime nor does it remedy the criminal, as it purports to do.

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Despite Canadian pride in our peacefulness, according to the UN international comparisons, Canada has a rate of police-reported criminal incidents among the highest in the world - almost double that of the United States. Furthermore, our failure to punish incorrigible violent offenders and murderers with the biblically-required death penalty (Gen. 9:5-6; Num. 35:16; Deut.21:18-21), in the name of 'rehabilitation' and an enlightened 'humaneness' has led to rampant evil.Mission of God, 345

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We coddle the criminal today and thereby show little care for the victim. At the same time we legally murder tens of thousands of unborn babies every year (right up to term in Canada as we are without any abortion law) and want to practice infanticide, euthanize the elderly and assist depressed people to commit suicide with a physician. Clearly then, the ending of life is not the real objection to capital punishment; we appear anxious to end innocent life in any number of ways - we just don't want to punish the guilty.Mission of God, 344

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The older theologians made a number of distinctions within God's righteousness that can be presented in a Ramist outline: 1. Internal (God's moral excellence) 2. External (the rectitude of his conduct) a. rectoral or legislative (promulgating just laws for his creatures) b. distributive (administering rewards and punishments) i. remunerative (distribution of reward) ii. retributive (distribution of punishment)"Systematic Theology

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A distinction is generally made between the absolute and the relative justice of God. The former is that rectitude of the divine nature, in virtue of which God is infinitely righteous in Himself, while the latter is that perfection of God by which He maintains Himself over against every violation of His holiness, and shows in every respect that He is the Holy One.Systematic Theology, 74-75

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