State (9)

Her position in the state is not assigned her by the permission of the government, but Jure divino. She has her own organization. She possesses her own office-bearers... the sovereignty of the state and the sovereignty of the church exist side by side, and they mutually limit each other.

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An intermediate mediate state ought not to be confused with a Platonic notion of "the immortal mortal soul;"Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting

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If, in the name of 'love for the poor', I transgress God's law by supporting legal plunder of my rich neighbour to fund a poverty program, I am not really loving, regardless of my profession; for love is always concerned to fulfil the law of God.

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If we support those who have become poor through their own immoral behaviour, then we are subsidizing evil. God does not call us to support evil. Satan does, however; such charity expands his kingdom at the expense of God's. We should resist his temptation. There can never be unconditional charity in a world of scarcity. To give charity to one person is to deny it to another. There can be no neutrality. The myth of neutrality undergirds the reality of the modern welfare state: compulsory wealth-redistribution.

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pagan philosophy was essentially statist; substituting God, it saw the state as the incarnation or locus of the divine in history. This had been the view of all the great ancient realms, including the Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman empires, where the rulers were viewed and worshipped as godsMission of God, 4.1

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Calvinism protests against state-omnipresence; against the horrible conception that no right exists above and beyond existing laws; and against the pride of absolutism.

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We must ever watch against the danger which lurks, for our personal liberty, in the power of the state.

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If to be absent from the body for me is to be with the Lord - still "in Christ" and "living together with him" as I am already now - then I must exist between my death and the resurrection. Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting

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