Adultery (15)

Few that are entangled in the sin of adultery, recover from the snare.

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While the adulterer feeds on strange flesh, the sword of God's justice hangs over his head. Causinus speaks of a tree growing in Spain, that is of a sweet smell, and pleasant to the taste, but the juice of it is poisonous.Ten Commandments, 157

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When we are in the grip of lust, the reality of God fades.

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Plutarch said of the Persian kings, 'They were captives to their concubines;' they were so inflamed, that they had no power to leave their company. This consideration should make all fearful of this sin. Soft pleasures harden the heart.Ten Commandments, 162

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Who for a cup of pleasure would drink a sea of wrath?Ten Commandments, 157

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I have read of two citizens in London in 1583, who, having defiled themselves with adultery on the Lord's-day, were immediately struck dead with fire from heaven. If all who are now guilty of this sin were to be punished in this manner, it would rain fire again, as on Sodom.Ten Commandments, 157

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That which makes adultery so sinful is, that it is needless. God has provided a remedy to prevent it. 'To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife.' 1 Cor vii 2. Therefore, after this remedy prescribed, to be guilty of fornication or adultery, is inexcusable; it is like a rich thief, that steals when he has no need. This increases the sin.Ten Commandments, 154

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concerning those who apprehend their wives in adultery... they be counseled not to take other wives while their own wives are still living, even if the latter are adulterous

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As Matthew writes for a Jewish audience sensitive to the pressures (or, for many, requirement) to divorce the sexually unfaithful, an absolute prohibition of divorce would have been a stumbling block. Matthew's Jesus clarifies that the prohibition did not keep the husbands from divorcing adulterous wives, as expected in their legal traditions. Divorce would be permissible in these circumstances.Remarriage in Early Christianity, 155

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Jesus's logic is that if the woman was divorced because of πορνεία, then she would already be an adulteress (and no one should marry an adulteress). If she was divorced for some other reason, the divorce was unlawful (since πορνεία is the only legitimate reason), and the woman is not free to marry another.Remarriage in Early Christianity, 153

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Out of necessity, the innocent wife is made (i.e., caused to become) an adulteress by marrying another man. In other words, God's will for the original marital union renders any subsequent union adulterous, despite the legality of the divorce, the declared freedom to remarry in the divorce certificate, and the divorced wife's innocence.Remarriage in Early Christianity, 149

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The term πορνεία more frequently refers to women's violation of the marital relationship since "adultery" (μοιχεια) was used primarily in reference to men's activity.Remarriage in Early Christianity, 143

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Adultery destroys reputation... Wounds of reputation no physician can heal. When the adulterer dies, his shame lives. When his body rots underground, his name rots above ground. His base-born children are living monuments of his shame.Ten Commandments, 156

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Adultery debases a person; it makes him resemble the beasts; therefore the adulterer is described like a horse neighing. 'Every one neighed after his neighbour's wife.' Jer v 8.Ten Commandments, 155

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