Death (22)

I know well that many do not believe what I am saying, because they think there is an immense quantity of death-bed repentance. They flatter themselves that multitudes who do not live religious lives will yet die religious deaths. They take comfort in the thought that vast numbers of persons turn to God in their last illness and are saved in the eleventh hour. I will only remind such persons that all the experience of ministers is utterly against the theory. People generally die just as they have lived. True repentance is never too late:- but repentance deferred to the last hours of life is seldom true.Old Paths, 40

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Let us be firmly persuaded of the reality of this wrath to come- Let us adore and fear the greatness of God, and be moved to turn to Him- Let us consider what it is to die, and what the state of the other world is- Let believers learn highly to value that salvation which Christ obtains for them.

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The hypocrite deceives others while he lives, but deceives himself when he dies.

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Time is short, and is passing quickly away: yet a few years, and we shall be all dead and gone. The trees perhaps are cut down out of which our coffins will be made: the winding-sheets perhaps are woven which will surround our bodies; the spades perhaps are made that will dig our graves. Eternity draws near. There ought to be no trifling. "What, what is your hope about your soul?"Old Paths, Chapter 4

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Dost thou believe that thou canst not be saved but by the death of Christ? The sick man answereth, Yes. Then let it be said unto him, Go to then, and whilst thy soul abideth in thee, put all thy confidence in this death alone. Place thy trust in no other thing. Commit thyself wholly to this death. Cover thyself wholly with this alone. Cast thyself wholly on His death. Wrap thyself wholly in this death. And if God would judge thee, say, "Lord, I place the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between me and Thy judgment; and otherwise I will not contend with Thee." And if He shall say unto thee that thou art a sinner, say, "I place the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between me and my sins." If He shall say unto thee that thou hast deserved damnation, say, "Lord, I put the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between Thee and all my sins; and I offer His merits for my own, which I should have and have not." If He say that He is angry with thee, say, "Lord, I place the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between me and Thy anger."

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We are more sure to arise out of our graves than out of our beds.

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Christ is in both life and death the Christian's most needed and only satisfying advantage.The Efficiency of God’s Grace

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The dying words of Mr. Ash, the Puritan, are well-deserving of notice. He said, "When I consider my best duties, I sink, I die, I despair. But when I think of Christ, I have enough. He is all and in all.

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Readiness to die is the first step in learning to live.

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Few are ever saved on their death-beds. One thief on the cross was saved that none should despair; but only one, that none should presume.

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No storms, assaults, sieges, or pestilences, can hurt us, till we have filled up his appointed measure of service; and when our work is done, and he has ripened us for glory, it is no great matter by what means he is pleased to call us home to himself.

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When Mr. Standfast had thus set things in order, and the time had come for him to depart, he also went down to the river. There was a great calm on the river at that time. So Mr. Standfast went out into the water, stood awhile, and talked to his companions gathered on the shore: "This river," he said, "has been a terror to many. Yes, and the thoughts of it have also frightened me. But now I stand easy. My feet are fixed upon that on which the priests stood, who bore the ark of the covenant when Israel went over Jordan. The waters, indeed, are to the palate bitter, and to the body cold; yet the thought of what I am going to and of the convoy that awaits me on the other side lies like a glowing coal on my heart.Pilgrims Progress Part 2

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We are ready most commonly to be called away by death, before we have learned how to live.

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In order to justify the early taking of the needed kidneys and other organs, the criterion for death is now generally accepted as a flat brain wave over a twenty-four-hour period.

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You have been speaking about William Carey. When I am gone, say nothing about William Carey-speak only about Willam Carey's Saviour.

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A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.

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Death reminds us that we are creatures. Yet as fearsome as death is, it is nothing compared with meeting a holy God. When we encounter him, the totality of our creatureliness breaks upon us and shatters the myth that we have believed about ourselves, the myth that we are demigods, junior-grade deities who will try to live forever.

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There are only two ways of dying. We can die in faith or we can die in our sins.

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I frequently hear persons in old age say how they would live, if they were to live their lives over again: Resolved, that I will live just so as I can think I shall wish I had done, supposing I live to old age.

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Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life.

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in that first state, he had the power to die and the power not to die; and this was the first immortality of the human body, namely the power not to die. But in his second state, after sin, he had the power to die and no power not to die, because in this state it is a necessity to die. In his third state, he shall have the power not to die and no power to die, because to that state pertains the impossibility of dying; this will be from grace, not from nature.The Sentences, Book 2, Dist 19, Ch 1

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