Since God is contented with Himself alone, if you have Him, you may be contented with Him alone, and it may be, that is the reason why your outward comforts are taken from you, that God may be all in all to you. It may be that while you had these things they shared with God in your affection, a great part of the stream of your affection ran that way: God would have the full stream run to Him now.The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment Excerpts
If you allow your love of creature comforts — or even your pleasure in family and loved ones — to outrun your love for the Lord, you cannot be a victorious soldier for Christ.The Christian in Complete Armour, 1:72
I, being a great sinner, comfort myself in a great Saviour. When I look upon myself, I see nothing but weakness and emptiness; but when I look upon Christ, I see nothing but sufficiency and fullness.
As sweet as liberty is, there might be more comfort and sweetness in losing it than keeping it. The prison doors might lock you in, but they cannot lock the Comforter out. Paul and Silas lost their liberty, but not their comfort.Triumphing Over Sinful Fear, 87
Do not lean upon sandy pillars. We often build our comfort upon such a friend or estate—and when that prop is removed—all our joy is gone, and our hearts begin either to fail or fret! A lame man leans on his crutches—and if they break, he is undone! Let not your contentment go upon crutches, which may soon fail. The ground of contentment must be within yourself. The Greek word which is used for contentment, signifies self-sufficiency. A Christian has that within him—which is able to support him—that strength of faith, and good hope through grace, as bears up his heart in the deficiency of outward comforts. The philosophers of old, when their estates were gone—yet could take contentment in the goods of the mind—learning and virtue. And shall not a believer much more in the graces of the Spirit, that rich enamel and embroidery of the soul!
For comfort. There is no such cordial for a fainting spirit as a promise in the word. The gospel in the Greek is glad tidings, and not without cause: 'This is my comfort in my affliction, for they word hath quickened me.'
If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.