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Quote 2627

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As the embankment keeps out the water, so the fear of the Lord keeps out uncleanness.

1.2K    3
True piety is never separate from the fear of God.

520    2
The essential ingredients of the fear of God are correct concepts of the character of God, a pervasive sense of the presence of God and a constant awareness of our obligation to God.

381    2
The true fear of God can cause a spiritual earthquake in a man's heart, able to overthrow all the Devil's strongest holds or bosom sins.God’s Striking to Correct or Revenge

432    2
No man acts with true wisdom till he fears God and hopes in his mercy.

481    0
The fear of God promotes spiritual joy; it is the morning star that ushers in the sunlight of comfort.

514    0
We are ready most commonly to be called away by death, before we have learned how to live.

436    0
The remarkable thing about God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else.

452    0
The fear of God reigning in the heart is the beauty of the soul.

485    0

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