Unity (9)

That they who are brethren, begotten of the same father, born of the same mother, fed at the same table, educated under the same tutor, attended with the same servants, arrayed with the same garments, and heirs of the same inheritance, should be strange to one another, is a great, a gross shame. Many hundred devils can agree together in one man, and yet in some parts not ten Christians can agree together in one house. One of the fathers was so much affected with the divisions of Christians, that he professed himself ready to let out his heart blood to cement them together. Both the honour of religion and our own interest do both command us to unite.

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But must a small difference in opinion cause such a distance in affection? Must we make the devils and enemies of Christ music by our discords? When the foes of God and our own souls are in sight of us, shall we be fighting to make them sport, and to give them an opportunity to destroy us? The wicked of the world. warm themselves by that fire of division which the heats of some weak Christians kindle.

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The differences amongst Christians can never be sufficiently lamented. That they who are all near to God should behold one another afar off, and they who are all acquainted with Christ should be unacquainted among themselves.

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How pathetically doth the loving Redeemer exhort his disciples to love and oneness! He giveth them his precept: ' A new commandment give I unto you, that ye love one another; ' not but that it was an old duty, but be-cause envy and malice had prevailed so much among the Jews, that to love was a new thing. Again, ' This is my commandment, that ye love one another, ' as if there were nothing else that he required but this, or as if this, of all the commandments, was that which Jesus loved best. He sets before them his own pattern: ' As I have loved you, so ought ye to love one another. ' The love of Christ should prevail with Christians to lay down their lives for him, and shall it not prevail to lay down their strifes among themselves?

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If you immediately condemn anyone who doesn't quite believe the same as you do as forsaken by Christ's Spirit, and consider anyone to be an enemy of truth who holds something false to be true, who, pray tell, can you still consider a brother? I for one have never met two people who believed exactly the same thing. This holds true in theology as well.

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No wild beasts are so fierce to one another as one Christian has been to another. Lesser differences should not make void this Christ-like love

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The healing of the Church's breaches should be the desire of every Christian.

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How well you can see the folly of misunderstanding between Christians in Mr. Jay's story of two men who were walking from opposite directions on a foggy night! Each saw what he thought was a terrible monster moving towards him, and making his heart beat with terror; as they came nearer to each other, they found that the dreadful monsters were brothers. So, men of different denominations are often afraid of one another; but when they get close to each other, and know each other's hearts, they find out that they are brethren after all.Lectures to my Students

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