Parenting (15)

in every moment when you are parenting, you are being parented. In every moment when you are called to give grace, you are being given grace. In every moment when you are rescuing and protecting your children, you are being rescued and protected. In every moment when you feel alone, you are anything but alone because he goes wherever you go.

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When we find our identity in Christ, we have the joy of parenting for the glory of God rather than the burden of parenting to try and prove our own worth own identity.

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Augustine says that his mother Monica travailed with greater care and pains for his new birth, than for his natural.The Ten Commandments, 67

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Parents, as tangible representatives of God's authority, must understand and practice biblical consequences rather than the rewards and punishments of behaviorism. The sowing and reaping principle shows the way.Instructing a Child\'s Heart (Kindle Locations 1023-1025). Shepherd Press. Kindle Edition.

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If a parent were explicitly to ask the question of a fair and plain-speaking friend, familiar with that parent's children, and competent to judge them, What do you think is the chief fault - or the most objectionable characteristic - of my son - or daughter ? the frank answer to that question would in very many cases be an utter surprise to the parent, the fault or characteristic named not having been suspected by the parent. A child may be so much like the parent just here, that the parent's blindness to his or her own chief fault or lack may forbid the seeing of the child's similar deformity.Hints on Child Training, 34

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The unfriendly criticisms of neighbors, and the kind suggestions of friends, are not to be despised by a parent in making up an estimate of his child's failings and faults.Hints on Child Training, 32-33

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But if a boy has a bright mind and positive preferences, and is ready to study or to work untiringly in the line of his own tastes, and in no other line, it does not always occur to his parents that just here - in this reluctance to apply himself in the line of wise expediency rather than of personal fancy - there is a failing which, if not trained out of that boy, will stand as a barrier to his truest manhood, and will make him a second-rate man when he might be a first-rate one; a one-sided man instead of a well-proportioned man. Such a boy is quite likely to be looked upon as one who must be permitted to have his own way, since that way is evidently not a bad way, and he shows unusual power in its direction.Hints on Child Training, 32

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Watch carefully the periodicals and books which come into the home, the occasional guest which sits at the table, and the companionships your children form. Parents carelessly let people have free access to their children who undermine their authority, overturn their ideals, and sow seeds of frivolity and iniquity before they are aware. Never let your child spend a night among strangers. So train your girls that they will be useful and helpful members of their generation, and your boys that they will be industrious and self-supporting.

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Rules should be simple, clear, reasonable and flexible like the Ten Commandments - a few great moral rules, instead of a multitude of petty restrictions. One way of needlessly provoking children to wrath is to hamper them with a thousand trifling restrictions and minute regulations that are arbitrary, due to a parent who is a perfectionist. It is of vital importance for the child's future good that he or she should be brought into subjection at an early age - an untrained child means a lawless adult - our prisons are crowded with those who were allowed to have their own way during their youth.

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Parents, and not Sunday School teachers, are divinely required to educate their little ones. Nor is this to be an occasional or sporadic thing, but one that is to have constant attention. The glorious character of God, the requirements of His holy law, the exceeding sinfulness of sin, the wondrous gift of His Son, and the fearful doom which is the certain portion of all who despise and reject Him, are to be brought repeatedly before the minds of the little ones. "They are too young to understand such things" is the devil's argument to deter you from discharging your duty.

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Nowadays the father considers that he has fulfilled his obligations by providing food and clothing for his children, and by acting occasionally as a species of moral policeman. Too often the mother is content to be a domestic drudge, making herself the slave of her children instead of training them to be useful, performing many a task which her daughters should do, in order to allow them freedom for the frivolous. The consequence has been that the home, which ought to be - for its orderliness, its sanctity, and its reigns of love - a miniature heaven and earth, has degenerated into "a filling station for the day and a parking place for the night" as someone has tersely expressed it.

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Children who are self-willed or spoiled, not only bring themselves into perpetual unhappiness, but inflict discomfort upon all who come into contact with them, and foreshadow evil things for the days to come. In the vast majority of cases the children are not to be blamed nearly so much as the parents. Failure to honor father and mother, wherever it is found, is in large measure due to parental departure from the Scriptural pattern.

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Self-will is almost the first thing that appears in a child's mind - and it must be your first step to resist it.The Duties of Parents

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Discipline is love. To neglect discipline is to be loveless. When God disciplines us, He is bearing testimony-precious testimony-that we are His sons. We belong to Him and He loves us.Daddy Tried, 108

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