To inquire concerning the number, the authors, parts and single words of the sacred books is different from inquiring concerning the fundamental doctrines contained in them. The latter knowledge pertains to every believer, but not the former. Nor will his salvation be in jeopardy who cannot tell who wrote the gospel of Matthew, provided he believes the book to be authentic and divine. The knowledge of the primary author of any book is one thing; that of the amanuensis is another. The latter belongs only to an historical faith, but the former to a divine.
It is not enough for Christians to have knowledge and to be able to speak of the gospel, and have some striving of affection, but they must look to how they live.Gospel Conversation, Pg. 3
Christianity is incompatible with the thought of humanism or paganism. Let those who still have not seen this, and who still do not believe in the possibility of Christian scholarship, be warned…. Christian scholars today face a choice. Either they acknowledge that nothing in this temporal world can be withdrawn from the claim of the Christian religion and that this religion will not be content with the role of decorative superstructure atop a scholarship that is at bottom and in essence idolatrous. Or they should withdraw from a field where they are deeply convinced the banner of Christ's kingship cannot be boldly planted. No other choice exists. Tertium ultra non datur—there is no other alternative
Philosophy is used either properly and in the abstract for the knowledge of things human and divine (as far as they can be known by the light of nature), or improperly and in the concrete for a collection of various opinions at variance with each other (which the philosophers of different sects held). In this latter sense, we acknowledge that it contains many errors and that it is of no use but of the greatest harm. Thus Paul condemns it (Col. 2:8). But in the former sense, its uses are many. In passing, we give only the more general.
Take heed that you rest not satisfied with that knowledge of Christ you have attained, but grow on towards perfection. It is the pride and ignorance of many professors, when they have got a few raw and undigested notions, to swell with self-conceit of their excellent attainments. And it is the sin, even of the best of saints, when they see (veritas in profundo) how deep the knowledge of Christ lies, and what pains they must take to dig for it, to throw by the shovel of duty, and cry, Dig we cannot. To your work, Christians, to your work; let not your candle go out: sequester yourselves to this study, look what intercourses, and correspondence are betwixt the two world; what communion soever God and souls maintain, it is in this way; count all, therefore, but dross in comparison of that excellency which is in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
True theologians are sheep who hear their Shepherd's voice and interpret his words for the benefit of the rest of the flock. In this task, theology will continue until the time comes when it will no longer be needed. When that happens we shall know all things, and be enfolded forever in the unchanging and all-encompassing love of God.God is Love, 28
What we call "theology" is a work in progress. It is not a fixed body of knowledge that can never grow or develop; it continues to expand as our relationship with God deepens. At the same time, it does not change, because God does not change. Theologians may have to express themselves in new ways when challenged by fresh discoveries that raise questions our ancestors never dreamed of.God is Love, 28
A child cannot talk about his parents in the dispassionate way that a biographer would, but a child knows things about his parents that no outsider can fully understand. It is the same in our relationship with God. The Bible never speculates about whether God exists, because it was written by people who knew him and who would have found such a question absurd.God is Love, 26
When dealing with matters pertaining to God, humility is essential. If our attempts to discover his ways are dissociated from a spirit of reverent worship, what we are seeking will remain hidden from us and the task to which we have been assigned will be left for others to accomplish. In doing theology, we are talking about someone with whom we live in relationship, with all the complexities that any relationship involves. We cannot objectify God and analyze him any more than we can distance ourselves from our parents, spouse, or children and examine them as if our ties to them were purely intellectual. As with our close human relations, our knowledge of God is embedded in a context that we must recognize and respect.God is Love, 25-26
The good theologian must know how to recognize the boundaries of our understanding, and must remind curious souls not to stray beyond the limits that God has imposed on our learning.God is Love
The apprehension of God's infinite knowledge should fill the Christian with adoration. The whole of my life stood open to His view from the beginning. He foresaw my every fall, my every sin, my every backsliding; yet, nevertheless, fixed His heart upon me. Oh, how the realization of this should bow me in wonder and worship before Him!
Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.
Obedience without knowledge is blind, and knowledge without obedience is lame. Rachel was fair to look upon, but, being barren, said, 'Give me children, or I die;' so, if knowledge does not bring forth the child of obedience, it will die.The Ten Commandments, 1
There is some kind of mistake with respect to every kind of truth and knowledge that can't be avoided if one does not know God but can be avoided if one does know God.
It may humble young Christians, that think, when they are first converted, that they have all knowledge, and therefore take upon them to censure men that have been long in Christ; and out of their own experience they will frame opinions, comparing but a few notes together. Alas, ye know but a piece of what you shall know! When you have been in Christ ten or twenty years, then speak; then those opinions which you have now will fall off, and experience will show them to be false.
Richard Baxter called being known by God 'the full and final comfort of a believer' and J. I. Packer claims that there is 'unspeakable comfort' in it. According to C. K. Barrett, to be known by God 'is the all-important truth, for when God knows - [a] man, he acts on his behalf'.
Making Jesus' knowledge of a person the decisive
criterion of judgement is particularly disturbing: 'I never knew you.'
The verdict is highly personal, shatteringly brief, yet comprehensive,
and it places the decision fully out of the condemned's reach. What can
they do about not being known? Any appeal against this judgement
would be futile.
15 responds with a rhetorical question that sets up a stunning assertion:
'Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget, I will not forget you!'
Isaiah 49:15 compares God's relationship with his people to that of a
mother and her child, and it characterises the bond in question as that
of a mother not forgetting, or remembering, her child. The figurative
nature of the language cautions against reading too much into this
verse. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that since 'to remember' here a
synonym of relational knowing, the verse may be read as affirming
God's gracious attention in a context of parental commitment and
affection, supplying more evidence for being known by God being
employed in a filial context.Known By God (Article)
the apostle affirms in Romans 8:29 that 'those
God foreknew he also predestined'. As a synonym for
election in this verse, God's foreknowledge refers to the setting of his
love upon the elect in advance. Knowledge here carries the sense of
intimate relationship, as in the famous euphemism for sexual
intercourse in Genesis 4:1, 'Adam knew Eve.'Known By God (Article)
Contextual clues support linking our understanding
of being known by God to three related notions: (1) belonging to God;
(2) being loved or chosen by God; and (3) being a child or son of God.Known By God (Article)
Whereas at most points in the Bible God's factual and relational
knowledge are clearly distinguished, Psalm 139 is a rare case where the
two overlap. Verse 1 affirms both types of knowledge with the prayer,
'you have searched me (factual knowledge) and you know me
(relational knowledge).'Known By God (Article)
Of all kinds of knowledge that we can ever obtain, the knowledge of God, and the knowledge of ourselves, are the most important.Preface, Freedom of the Will