Inspiration (6)

What it says of Scripture is, not that it is "breathed into by God" or is the product of the Divine "inbreathing" into its human authors, but that it is breathed out by God, "God breathed," the product of the creative breath of God. In a word, what is declared by this fundamental passage is simply that the Scriptures are a Divine product, without any indication of how God has operated in producing them.Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, Section 2

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The effort to explain away the Bible's witness to its plenary inspiration reminds one of a man standing safely in his laboratory and elaborately expounding -possibly by the aid of diagrams and mathematical formulae -how every stone in an avalanche has a defined pathway and may easily be dodged by one of some presence of mind. We may fancy such an elaborate trifler's triumph as he would analyze the avalanche into its constituent stones, and demonstrate of stone after stone that its pathway is definite, limited, and may easily be avoided. But avalanches unfortunately, do not come upon us, stone by stone, one at a time, courteously leaving us opportunity to withdraw from the pathway of each turn: but all at once, in a roaring mass of destruction. Just so we may explain away a text or two which teach plenary inspirationInspiration and Authority of the Bible, Section 2

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plenary inspiration of the Bible, i.e. the doctrine that the Bible is inspired not in part but fully, in all its elements alike, -things discoverable by reason as well as mysteries, matters of history and science as well as of faith and practice, words as well as thoughts.Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, Section 2

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This church-doctrine of inspiration differs from the theories that would fain supplant it, in that it is not the invention nor the property of an individual, but the settled faith of the universal church of God;Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, Ch 2

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The whole question of inspiration virtually amounts to this: whether God shall be denied or granted the sovereign right of employing, if so needed and desired, the factors which He Himself created in man, by which to communicate to man what He purposed to reveal respecting the maintenance of His own majesty, the execution of His world-plan, and the salvation of His elect.Sacred Theology, 552

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