Bible (25)

We shall not adjust our Bible to the age; but before we have done with it, by God's grace, we shall adjust the age to the Bible.

Charles Spurgeon

An All-Round Ministry: Addresses to Ministers and Students (London: Passmore)


If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.

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God is most beautifully praised when His people hear His Word, love His Word, and obey His Word.

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You should not believe your conscience and your feelings more than the word which the Lord who receives sinners preaches to you.

A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't.

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Unless I am convinced by scripture or by clear reason - for I do not trust the Pope or Church councils, since everyone knows that they can make mistakes and contradict themselves - I am bound by the scriptures I have quoted. My conscience is held captive by the Word of God. I cannot and will not take back anything, because it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me. Amen. Diet of Worms, Defense against Catholic accusations

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Here, then, is the real problem of our negligence. We fail in our duty to study God's Word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull and boring, but because it is work. Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of passion. Our problem is that we are lazy. Knowing Scripture (Page 20)

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[The Bible] frees us to develop our own thoughts and feelings, since we don't have to look for God within our hearts-which is where we are most vulnerable to self-deception and technologies of manipulation. Good News for Anxious Christians (14)

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If we ultimately appeal to human reason, or to logic, or to historical accuracy, or to scientific truth, as the authority by which Scripture is shown to be God's words, then we have assumed the thing to which we appealed to be a higher authority than God's words and one that is more true or more reliable. Systematic Theology (78)

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The reading and contemplation of the Scriptures is enjoined upon men of all languages, therefore the translation of it into the native tongues is necessary. Since men speak different languages and are not all familiar with those two in which it was first written, it cannot be understood by them unless translated; it comes as the same thing to say nothing at all and to say what nobody can understand. But here it happens by the wonderful grace of God that the division of tongues (which formerly was the sign of a curse) becomes now the proof of a heavenly blessing. What was introduced to destroy Babel is now used to build up the mystical Zion.

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A beginning was made already in the eighth century of translating the Bible into the vernacular languages, and by the end of the Middle Ages it was accessible to Frenchmen and Germans, Englishmen and Bohemians, Spaniards and Italians and Poles in their own tongues.The Bible the Book of Mankind

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The Bible appears like a symphony orchestra, with the Holy Spirit as its Toscanini; each instrumentalist has been brought willingly, spontaneously, creatively, to play his notes just as the great conductor desired, in full harmony with each other, though none of them could ever hear the music as a whole. God Has Spoken (99)

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What if we reclaimed the dinner table for meaningful conversations about what Jesus has done and how the Holy Spirit is leading us today? We don't have to be in a circle to talk about conviction, repentance, and the excellencies of Christ. When we relegate these conversations to specific times of "care and share" or Bible study, we are effectively compartmentalizing our lives. We are propagating the belief that these conversations and convictions should not spill over into unsanctioned times.Community, 98

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The discovery of a fragment of the book of Psalms, dated between AD 50–68,46 contains Ps 22:17 and reads, ("they pierced").47 It might be objected that this was a Christian interpolation or contamination. But a Christian interpolation is unlikely because it would have been far too early in Christian history for a Christian corruption to make its way into this text. Moreover, it has strong support from the earlier Septuagintal reading.48 Thus, the oldest extant Hebrew manuscript of Ps 22:17 reinforces the Septuagintal, Syriac, and Vulgate readings, supporting the translation "They pierced my hands and my feet." In this case, it is better to take the more messianic variant reading than the nonmessianic rendering of the Masoretic Text.The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic?

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So what does all this about the Masoretic Text have to do with messianic prophecy? It is significant to messianic prophecy because it has been shown that the Masoretic Text is a post-Christian, Jewish version of the Old Testament. As such, it reflects the theological perspective of post-Christian, rabbinic Judaism. Thus, there are several significant examples of the Masoretic Text interpreting Old Testament messianic texts in a distinctly nonmessianic (or historical) fashion, whereas other ancient versions interpret the same texts as referring to the Messiah.The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic?

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Ecstatic to find so great a precedent as Alfred the Great, the sixteenth-century Anglican ministers began publishing biographies on Alfred and Anglo-Saxon editions of the Bible.The Life of Alfred the Great, 192

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Every Christian must be a theologian, as I have demonstrated elsewhere. For it is essential that every Christian learn the faith of the church, either through infused knowledge, or along with this, knowledge acquired from human teachers. Otherwise, he would not be a person of faith, and faith is the highest theology of all.Wyclif, On the Truth of Holy Scripture

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If there is any verse that you would like left out of the Bible, that is the verse that ought to stick to you, like a blister, until you really attend to its teaching.

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I am a great advocate of schemes of Bible reading, but we have to be careful that in our use of such schemes we are not content just to read the portion for the day and then to rush off without thought and meditation.Studies in the Sermon on the Mount (6)

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And let us not take it into our heads either to seek out God anywhere else than in his Sacred Word, or to think anything about him that is not prompted by his Word, or to speak anything that is not taken from that Word.John Calvin, Institutes, Book 1

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No matter how extensive one's scriptural knowledge, or how amazing one's memory, it is self deception if that is all there is. True knowledge is the prelude to action, and it is the obedience to the Word that counts in the end. New International Biblical Commentary: James (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1983), (Page 41)

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Don't let the world shape you, so that this [Bible] looks boring. God almighty has spoken! It can't be boring! It can't be boring! We're the problem. Sermon January 10, 2010

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I charge every reader of this chapter to ask himself frequently what the Bible is to him. Is it a Bible in which you have found nothing more than good moral precepts and sound advice? Or is it a Bible in which you have found Christ? Is it a Bible in which "Christ is all"? If not, I tell you plainly, you have hitherto used your Bible to very little purpose. You are like a man who studies the solar system and leaves out in his studies the sun, which is the center of all. It is no wonder if you find your Bible a dull book! Holiness (Chapter 20)

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To stay away from Christianity because part of the Bible's teaching is offensive to you assumes that if there is a God he wouldn't have any views that upset you. Does that belief make sense? The Reason for God (112)

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To reject the Bible as regressive is to assume that you have now arrived at the ultimate historic moment, from which all that is regressive and progressive can be discerned. That belief is surely as narrow and exclusive as the views in the Bible you regard as offensive. The Reason for God (111)

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