Assembly (10)

There is a woe to him that is alone: such a man shall be sure to have Satan for his companion. He is ever ready to assault when none is near to assist. Eve was tempted with too much success when she was alone, without her husband; Dinah, gadding from her father's house, was defiled; Joseph was then assaulted, when the whole family was gone, save the instrument of the assault. How soon are stragglers snapped up, when those that march with the body of the army are safe!

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It is observable that the house of Job's eldest son, which was the grave wherein all his children were buried, stood alone, otherwise the wind from the wilderness could not have smote the four corners thereof. Oh, it is dangerous to be solitary, when God requires thy company amongst his chosen!

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When Paul saw the brethren he blessed God, and took courage, Acts xxviii. 15. When many mariners pull at a rope together, they strive with the more alacrity; therefore Christ sent his disciples by two and two, Mark vi. 7.

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As one circle caused by a stone thrown into the water begets a second, and that a third; and as one rainbow begets another, and they two together beget a third; so one Christian helps to beget another to Christ, and they two joining, turn more from the errors of their ways. Holiness, like an elixir, by contraction, if any dis-position in the metal, will render it of the same property. The Indians were brought to embrace the Christian faith, by the holy conference and company of Edesius and Frumentius, two private Christians.

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I have somewhere read of a king, that having many servants, some wise, some indiscreet, some profitable, some unprofitable, was asked why he would keep those foolish, unprofitable fellows. To which he answered, I need the other, and these need me, and so I will have them all about me. I am sure weak Christians need the strong; it is ill for a tottering house to have no prop; and strong Christians may need the weak. That knife which is best metal, may some-times need a dull whetstone.

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Urbanus Regius, an eminent Dutch divine, meeting with Luther about Coburg, he spent a whole day in conference with him, of which himself writeth, ¹ that he never had a more quickening, comforting day all his lifetime.

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Cold Christians have been heated by being near others that have been glowing coals

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No Christians are so full but they stand in need of their fellows. He that had as large a stock of grace as any since Christ, yet could not live without commerce with others, Rom. xv. 24. The goodliest house may want a shore.

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Though the pelican be a melancholy bird, and naturally inclineth to deserts, yet when they remove their places, they go in companies, and the first stay for the last, as they fly over the mountains, Isa. xxxiv. 11; Eph. ii. 14. Though saints love sometimes to be solitary, as having secret busi-ness with their God, yet they do not forsake the assembling them-selves together.

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