Roman Catholicism (13)

Rome demands men and women to believe things the Apostles never taught as part of the gospel today, and she does so because she rejects sola scriptura.

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Tradition is normally used negatively by the Apostles, and when it is used positively it is referring to the singular message of the Gospel, not to a secret, hidden, or unwritten and undefined body of "non-public" revelation.(10:03)

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For by their free will, they have made Christ to be unto them no longer a sweet Mediator, but a dreaded Judge, whom they strive to please by the intercessions of the Virgin Mother, and of the Saints; and also, by variously invented works, by rites, ordinances, and vows; by all which, they aim at appeasing Christ, in order that He might give them graceBondage of the Will, Section 157

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My dear pope, I will kiss your feet and acknowledge you as supreme bishop if you will worship my Christ and grant that through His death and resurrection, not through keeping your traditions, we have forgiveness of sins and life eternal. If you will yield on this point, I shall not take away your crown and power; if not, I shall constantly cry out that you are the Antichrist, and I shall testify that your whole cult and religion are only a denial of God, but also the height of blasphemy against God and idolatry.

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Canon IX contains these thunderous words, "If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema." On the one hand, these words reflect a misunderstanding of the Protestant view, as if the latter claimed that good words were unnecessary. On the other hand, the language of preparation reflects the theology of Gabriel Biel and a view of grace that differs sharply from the Reformers, who taught there is nothing we can do to prepare ourselves to receive God's grace.Faith Alone by Thomas Schreiner Copyright ©2015 by Schreiner. Used by permission of HarperCollins Christian Publishing., 65

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Roman Catholic doctrine and the Pope's teaching is an abomination which brings desolation.

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They call themselves the Holy Catholic Church; but how can they be holy who are so steeped and parboiled in fornication, incest, sodomy, and all manner of uncleanness?Ten Commandments, 155

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the Roman Church, which is the Mother of all Churches, behaves more like a stepmother than a mother. The Scribes and Pharisees sit there placing on men's shoulders burdens too heavy to be borne. They load themselves with fine clothes and their tables with precious plate; a poor man can seldom gain admittance

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We do not know who those men were, but their legacy was the so-called Donation of Constantine, a forged document that purported to be a grant form the first Christian emperor to the bishop of Rome, giving him jurisdiction over the whole Western empire. It was frequently used by later popes to support their claims, not least in the quarrel with Cerularius. The donation was followed in about 850 by a compilation of papal pronouncements now known as the False DecretalsGod Has Spoken, 782

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The most fascinating thing about this legislation is that the canonists who approved it recognized that it contradicted not only the New Testament but a number of earlier councils that had allowed for married clergy and bishops.God Has Spoken, 780

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In 1791 fifteen hundred English Catholics signed a statement denying that papal infallibility was a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. However, the opposition of the Gallicans was gradually overcome, and in 1870 the Vatican Council declared that 'the Roman Pontiff... enjoys fully that infallibility which the divine Redeemer wished his Church to have in defining doctrine touching faith and morals... consequently such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are of themselves unchangeable and are not to be changed through the approval of the Church.' The History of Christian Doctrines (239-240)

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In the year 533 the Byzantine Emperor Justinian recognized the primacy of the bishop of Rome over the occupants of the other patriarchal sees. Gregory the Great still refused the title 'Universal Bishop', but in 607 it was conferred on his successor, Boniface III, who had no scruples in accepting it. From this time on the spiritual primacy of the succeeding bishops of Rome was generally honoured in the West, through strenuously resisted in the East. It marks the beginning of PoperyThe History of Christian Doctrines (232)

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