James White (25)


James White Apologetics

Christianity exists only when the preaching of the cross is its message.

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That is why the unregenerate person cannot understand the urgency of the gospel message: until they see the depth of their sin and the holiness of God, they find no reason to seek remedy for their condition.

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Consider for a moment how precious it is that the Christian can say, "I have been crucified with Christ." This is a personal atonement, personal substitution. We revel in the awesome love of our Savior who loved us as individuals and gave Himself up for us. For me! Me, the hate-filled sinner who spurned Him and His love! How much less glorious is the idea, "Christ loved a generic group and died so as to give them the opportunity to possibly join the group and hence receive certain benefits.The Potter's Freedom (248)

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Jesus is able to save not merely make savable.The Potter's Freedom (240)

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Almost every single collapse involving denominations and churches in regard to historic Christian beliefs can be traced back to a degradation in that group's view of the Bible as the inspired and inerrant revelation of God's truth.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 43). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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Rome demands men and women to believe things the Apostles never taught as part of the gospel today, and she does so because she rejects sola scriptura.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Cl9n5tqFcc&t=230s

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Tradition is normally used negatively by the Apostles, and when it is used positively it is referring to the singular message of the Gospel, not to a secret, hidden, or unwritten and undefined body of "non-public" revelation.(10:03) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Cl9n5tqFcc

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One of the most insidious and dangerous aspects of grief can be summed up in one quotation: "I just want to get back to the way I was".Grieving, 59

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The truth that God saves by Himself, by His own power, on the basis of His own will, defines the message of the Reformers.The Potter's Freedom (36)

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Truth shines the most brightly against the backdrop of error. The Potter's Freedom(14)

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The doctrine of the Trinity is simply that there is one eternal being of God - indivisible, infinite. This one being of God is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/1998/04/29/a-brief-definition-of-the-trinity

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The hand that holds onto its own alleged goodness, or attempts to sneak in a merit here, a good work there, will not find the open hand of God's grace. Only the empty hand fits into the powerful hand of grace. Only the person who finds in Christ his all-in-all will, in so finding, be made right with God. This is why the Scriptures say it is by faith so that it might be in accordance with grace: in God's wisdom, he excludes man's boasting by making salvation all of grace.http://www.aomin.org/aoblog/1993/04/29/the-empty-hand-of-faith/

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Christian scholarship that lacks passion about the truth is not worthy of the name Christian to begin with. If dispassion and detachment are necessary attributes of scholarship, then I do not seek the appellation. Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 10). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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Anger must be dealt with. It cannot be ignored. Anger is a very strong emotion and, if left to itself, will trap us in destructive attitudes and viewpoints. The Christian has a means of dealing with anger, for the opposite of anger is love, and the resources of love available to the person redeemed in Christ is inexhaustible. The salve for anger is forgiveness, and since the believer has been forgiven in Christ, he or she can likewise forgive.Grieving, 38

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One does not seek to escape grief, but to embrace it, work through it, allow it to heal the hurt, so that we can move on with our lives in full light and recognition of what has happened and how God has changed our lives as a result.Grieving, 23

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one of the earliest definitions of "ancient tradition" was limited to truths that are clearly taught in Scripture. This "tradition" of Irenaeus, which he claimed was found throughout the true churches, is not some extra-biblical concept but is a summary of Scripture's basic teachings.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 203). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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It is astonishingly ironic that Christianity's tremendous teaching regarding the value of women - their equality with men in standing before God and the honor given their role as mothers and wives - is ignored by so many who oppose the faith, yet those same people will embrace sources such as this [Gospel of Thomas] that are so patently anti-woman in their viewpoint.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (pp. 130-131). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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The Holy Spirit provides the canon for the church; the church does not establish the canon by her own authority. Does the Spirit do this by new divine revelation? No, by His work among the people of God, in whom He dwells.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 109). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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The foundation of the certainty of our knowledge of the canon is based upon God's purposes in giving Scripture, not upon the alleged authority of any ecclesiastical body.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 107). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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This is why we should call the canon an artifact of revelation: It is not itself an object of revelation, but comes into existence as a by-product of the action itself.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 103). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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Jesus taught that even those traditions the Jews believed came from Moses were to be subjected to correction by Scripture (Matthew 15: 1- 9; Mark 7: 5- 13).Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 21). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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It is eminently logical to believe that the God who formed man's body, with all of its intricate biological facilities, who created the wonder of man's mind, with all of its amazing intellectual capacities, and who instilled man's very ability and desire to communicate, would Himself be capable of communication with His creatures.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 18). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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A person who has only intellectual knowledge of the sufficiency of Scripture, but lacks a deep, abiding love of the Scriptures and an understanding of how their sufficiency is related to the gospel and to the assurance of salvation, is liable to be led astray by winsome words or the traditions of men. Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 10). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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Hope is the key to the grieving process. It is what makes the difference between being in the downward spiral, headed to despair, and the upward spiral, leading to acceptance of one's loss and the ability to once again love and rejoice and feel with all of one's heart...This was Paul's point in writing to the Thessalonians, for he well knew the role of hope in the Christian life. It is the power that keeps one going, the fuel that runs the engine of the soul, the medicine that brings healing to a wounded heart. It gives strength to face an uncertain future, for it looks not to its own resources, but Christ.James White, Grieving: Your Path Back To Peace

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